Making a decision about your future can be super stressful, but connecting with career options that align with your goals can give you clarity about your future. Here are 9 questions to help you get started.
As you are answering the questions, know that regardless of your career choice or job, a socially acceptable acknowledgment of your skills & knowledge - like a certificate or degree is often required. Skills pay the bills, and skills can be learned in a variety of settings, such as on-the-job training, one to two-year technical training programs, four-year or longer degree programs. Whatever you decide, you will need some sort of preparation to start your career journey. Swipe right to help you prepare for making a career decision. Stay tuned for future posts about careers in demand, job outlook, and educational requirements. Cheerfully, Yeri De Luca, SkillsConnection Founder #Skillspaythebills #careertia
Labeled as the #brownone, I was told I was too #ambitious and expected #change too fast! I was told change would not come for at least five (5) years! Finally, I feel strong enough to write about being #marginalized at a place of employment, which happens to be an educational institution. I have been heartbroken from this situation and realize #gasligthting actually happens. It happened to me. It’s real...I lived it for the first time in my professional career! It happens in the K-12 educational system. Five years...what happens in five years? A first grader will be going into middle school...believing they can’t because they are different. A middle schooler will graduate high school and will be conditioned to believe they can’t achieve because they are different! Almost an entire generation will be #marginalized in some way. You don’t believe me? Ask for the data, see what percent of the student population is succeeding (as we know it). What percentage is attaining acceptable ACT/SAT scores? (For what they are worth) What percentage is receiving scholarships? What percentage is recruited for college sports? What percentage has a real opportunity? We all deserve better! #Standup. #Speakup. Thanks @jenniferhatmaker for helping me understand. 💙 Join me at SkillsConnection to help change the trajectory of our youth! #changethefuture #latinx #opportunity #sisepuede #changeyourmindset #minorities #latinasinuniform #latinaveteran |
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March 2021